You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write at least 250 words about the following topic:

Some people believe that individuals can improve their own health through regular physical activity. Others think that governments should have the main responsibility for ensuring a healthy lifestyle. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Sample Answer, C1 English Level, Advanced, Band Score 6.5-7.5


    1. Introduction:
      • Paraphrase: The topic under consideration is whether individuals can enhance their health through regular physical activity or if governments should assume the primary responsibility for promoting a healthy lifestyle.
      • Main opinion: This essay will discuss both viewpoints and offer my personal perspective based on my experiences and knowledge.
    2. Body (Detail 1):
      • Individuals’ role in improving health: Regular physical activity is essential for individuals to enhance their well-being and enjoy various physical and mental health benefits.
      • Test taker’s experience: Personal examples of increased energy levels, reduced stress, and improved sleep quality due to regular physical activity.
    3. Body (Detail 2):
      • Government’s responsibility in promoting health: Governments have a significant role in creating an environment that encourages and facilitates healthy habits.
      • Test taker’s experience: Observations of cities providing accessible parks, bike lanes, and sports facilities, along with public health campaigns promoting physical activity.
    4. Conclusion:
      • Emphasize the need for a balanced approach: Both individuals and governments should actively contribute to promoting a healthy lifestyle.
      • Restate main opinion: Striking a balance between personal efforts and government support can lead to a healthier and more active society, benefiting everyone’s well-being and reducing the burden on healthcare systems.


The question of whether individuals can improve their own health through regular physical activity or if governments should bear the primary responsibility for ensuring a healthy lifestyle has been a subject of debate. This essay aims to explore both perspectives and provide my personal opinion based on my experiences and knowledge.

On one hand, individuals play a crucial role in improving their own health through regular physical activity. Engaging in exercise and maintaining an active lifestyle can lead to various physical and mental health benefits. From personal experience, I have witnessed the positive impact of regular physical activity on my overall well-being, including increased energy levels, reduced stress, and improved sleep quality. Therefore, it is essential for individuals to take charge of their health and prioritize physical activity as a means of improving their quality of life.

On the other hand, governments hold a significant responsibility in ensuring a healthy lifestyle for their citizens. They have the capacity to create an environment that encourages and facilitates healthy habits. Through the implementation of policies and initiatives, governments can promote physical activity, such as building accessible parks, bike lanes, and sports facilities. Additionally, public health campaigns can raise awareness about the importance of regular exercise and its benefits. For example, during my travels, I have seen how some cities prioritize public health by providing free fitness classes and organizing community events to encourage active living.

In conclusion, I believe that both individuals and governments should actively contribute to promoting a healthy lifestyle. While individuals must take responsibility for their own health and engage in regular physical activity, governments should provide the necessary infrastructure, resources, and education to facilitate and encourage healthy habits. Striking a balance between personal efforts and government support can lead to a healthier and more active society, ultimately benefiting everyone’s well-being and reducing the burden on healthcare systems.


In today’s fast-paced world, the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle has become increasingly evident. The topic of whether individuals should take responsibility for their own health through regular physical activity or if it is the government’s duty to ensure a healthy lifestyle is a matter of debate. In my view, while governments can play a role in promoting health, the ultimate responsibility lies with individuals.

In my experience, incorporating regular physical activity into my daily routine has significantly improved my overall well-being. Engaging in activities such as jogging, cycling, or even yoga not only boosts physical fitness but also enhances mental clarity and reduces stress. Moreover, taking charge of my health through exercise instills a sense of discipline and self-control, which further motivates me to make healthier choices in other aspects of life, such as nutrition and rest.

While governments can provide resources and facilities to encourage healthier lifestyles, it is unrealistic to expect them to bear the sole responsibility for individuals’ health. Personal health is deeply influenced by individual choices, and relying solely on governmental interventions might lead to a lack of accountability. Furthermore, each person’s health needs and preferences vary, and expecting a one-size-fits-all approach from the government may not be effective in promoting lasting behavior change.

It is essential for governments to take an active role in promoting a healthy society by implementing public health campaigns, creating accessible recreational spaces, and educating citizens about the benefits of physical activity. By investing in infrastructure and resources, the government can create an environment that encourages individuals to pursue an active lifestyle. However, this support should be seen as a complementary measure rather than a replacement for individual initiative.

In conclusion, while governments have a role to play in fostering a healthier society, the responsibility for maintaining personal health through regular physical activity ultimately rests with individuals. My own experiences have shown me that taking ownership of my well-being not only improves my physical health but also contributes to mental and emotional well-being. By striking a balance between personal efforts and government support, we can create a society where individuals actively participate in their own health journey while benefiting from a conducive environment provided by the government. Therefore, I firmly believe that by promoting personal responsibility, we can build a healthier and more sustainable future for ourselves and future generations.


The topic centers on the responsibility for enhancing health, with varying perspectives on whether individuals or governments should assume the lead in fostering a healthy lifestyle. In my estimation, while individual efforts are instrumental in improving health, governments also share the responsibility of cultivating an environment that nurtures and encourages healthier choices.

Drawing from personal experience, embracing regular physical activity has been transformative for my overall well-being. Engaging in activities like running, swimming, or attending fitness classes not only bolstered my physical fitness but also positively influenced my mental health. The sense of achievement and endorphin release from exercise fostered a positive outlook, effectively reducing stress and anxiety. Thus, personal initiative is crucial in taking control of one’s health and reaping its numerous benefits.

Concurrently, governments can play a pivotal role in ensuring a healthier lifestyle for their citizens. Public policies and initiatives, such as promoting active transportation, creating green spaces, and investing in sports facilities, significantly impact the accessibility and allure of physical activity. Additionally, public health campaigns and educational programs can raise awareness about the importance of regular exercise and its role in preventing various health issues. By establishing a supportive environment, governments can inspire and motivate individuals to embrace healthier lives.

It is vital to recognize that both individual endeavors and government support are interlinked and necessary for a comprehensive public health approach. Personal responsibility is paramount in making conscious choices and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. However, without a supportive environment furnished by the government, individuals may encounter challenges in accessing essential resources, facilities, and information to sustain their efforts. Likewise, government initiatives alone may not yield substantial changes if individuals do not actively participate and assume ownership of their health.

In conclusion, the debate surrounding improving health through regular physical activity necessitates a balanced approach. Individuals should take initiative and actively engage in physical activities to improve their health, while governments must shoulder the responsibility of creating a conducive environment that supports and encourages healthy choices. Through the harmonious collaboration of both personal efforts and government responsibilities, we can forge a path towards a healthier and more contented society. Ultimately, it is this synergy that will yield transformative results for public health.