IELTS Speaking Part 1: Sample Questions with Answers

1. Do you try to have a healthy diet?

Sample Answer, C1 English Level, Advanced, Band Score 6.5-7.5

I make a conscious effort to maintain a healthy and balanced diet. This involves eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains while limiting processed foods and added sugars. I believe that a healthy diet plays a vital role in overall health and well-being, and I strive to make nutritious choices whenever possible.

I try to eat healthily by choosing foods that are good for me. This means lots of fruits and vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains, while avoiding processed foods and too much sugar. I think that having a balanced diet is really important for staying healthy, so I always try to make smart food choices.

Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet is a top priority for me. I focus on eating whole, nutritious foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains while avoiding highly processed foods and added sugars. I believe that proper nutrition is a cornerstone of overall health and wellness, and I make a conscious effort to make healthy choices every day. In my view, a healthy diet not only supports physical health but also contributes to mental and emotional well-being, making it an essential aspect of a vibrant and fulfilling life.

2. Do you think you pay enough attention to your health?

Sample Answer, C1 English Level, Advanced, Band Score 6.5-7.5

Yes, I think I am generally attentive to my health. This involves maintaining a regular exercise routine, eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and staying up to date with medical check-ups. While there is always room for improvement, I make a conscious effort to prioritize my health and wellness.

I believe that I pay enough attention to my health. This means I exercise regularly, eat a balanced diet, get enough sleep, and go to the doctor when necessary. Of course, there is always room for improvement, but I try to make health a priority.

Maintaining good health is an essential aspect of my life, and I believe that I am sufficiently attentive to my well-being. This entails adhering to a regular exercise routine, consuming a healthy and balanced diet, ensuring adequate sleep, and staying current with medical appointments. Although I recognize that there is always room for improvement, I am committed to prioritizing my health and wellness to ensure that I can live life to the fullest. In my view, investing in one’s health is a critical component of a fulfilling and rewarding existence.

3. Is it important to exercise regularly?

Sample Answer, C1 English Level, Advanced, Band Score 6.5-7.5

Yes, it is crucial to exercise regularly for maintaining good health. Engaging in physical activity helps to build strength and endurance, maintain a healthy weight, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. Furthermore, exercise has been shown to have positive effects on mental health, reducing stress and improving mood.

Regular exercise is important for staying healthy. Working out can help build strength, maintain a healthy weight, and lower the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes. Plus, exercise is good for mental health and can reduce stress and improve mood.

Maintaining a regular exercise routine is a fundamental component of a healthy lifestyle. Exercise has numerous benefits, including building physical strength and endurance, maintaining a healthy body weight, and reducing the risk of chronic illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and some forms of cancer. Furthermore, regular physical activity has been linked to enhanced cognitive function and positive effects on mental health, such as reducing stress, alleviating depression and anxiety, and promoting overall well-being. Overall, it is imperative to prioritize exercise and physical activity as a vital aspect of maintaining optimal health and quality of life.

4. How many hours of sleep do you get per night?

Sample Answer, C1 English Level, Advanced, Band Score 6.5-7.5

On average, I try to get around seven to eight hours of sleep per night. I recognize the importance of a good night’s sleep for overall health and wellbeing, and I make an effort to prioritize sleep in my daily routine.

I aim to get between seven and eight hours of sleep each night. I understand that sleep is important for my health and wellbeing, so I try to make sure I get enough rest.

I make it a priority to get seven to eight hours of sleep per night, recognizing the vital role that sleep plays in maintaining optimal health and wellness. Adequate sleep has been linked to numerous health benefits, including improved cognitive function, better mood, and reduced risk of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Conversely, sleep deprivation can have negative effects on physical and mental health, including increased risk of accidents, impaired cognitive performance, and heightened susceptibility to illness. Therefore, I am committed to prioritizing sleep as a crucial aspect of my overall health and wellbeing.

5. What do you do to feel better when you catch a cold?

Sample Answer, C1 English Level, Advanced, Band Score 6.5-7.5

When I catch a cold, I typically rest as much as possible and drink plenty of fluids, including hot tea and water. I also take over-the-counter medications such as decongestants and pain relievers if necessary to alleviate symptoms. Additionally, I find that using a humidifier and gargling with salt water can help soothe a sore throat and ease congestion.

To feel better when I have a cold, I rest and drink lots of fluids like tea and water. I might take medicine like painkillers and decongestants, and I also find that using a humidifier and gargling with salt water can help.

To manage a cold, I prioritize rest and hydration as the first line of defense. Drinking ample fluids, including hot tea and water, is crucial for preventing dehydration and supporting the immune system. In addition, I may take over-the-counter medications to alleviate symptoms such as congestion and pain. However, I always prioritize getting plenty of rest and allowing my body to recover naturally. Other strategies that may help include using a humidifier to soothe a sore throat and ease nasal congestion, as well as incorporating immune-boosting foods and supplements into my diet. Ultimately, I take a holistic approach to managing a cold, recognizing the importance of supporting my body’s natural healing processes while also alleviating uncomfortable symptoms.

6. Do you have any bad habits that affect your health?

Sample Answer, C1 English Level, Advanced, Band Score 6.5-7.5

I must admit that I do have a few bad habits that can negatively impact my health. For example, I have a tendency to stay up too late and not get enough sleep, which can leave me feeling tired and irritable the next day. Additionally, I sometimes forget to eat regular meals and instead snack on junk food throughout the day, which can lead to poor nutrition and weight gain.

I have a few habits that aren’t great for my health. Sometimes I stay up too late and don’t get enough sleep, and I also tend to snack on junk food instead of eating proper meals.

While I strive to maintain a healthy lifestyle, there are certainly a few bad habits that I struggle to break. One of these is a tendency to prioritize work and other activities over getting enough sleep, which can leave me feeling run down and prone to illness. Additionally, I sometimes fall into the trap of mindlessly snacking on processed foods throughout the day rather than nourishing my body with nutrient-dense meals. While I recognize the negative impact these habits can have on my health, I also know that breaking them requires conscious effort and a commitment to making positive changes for my well-being.

7. Have you ever had a serious illness?

Sample Answer, C1 English Level, Advanced, Band Score 6.5-7.5

Yes, I have unfortunately experienced a serious illness in the past. About five years ago, I was diagnosed with cancer and underwent several rounds of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. It was a difficult and challenging time, but I am grateful to say that I have since made a full recovery and am now in good health.

Yes, I have had a serious illness before. About five years ago, I was diagnosed with cancer and had to undergo chemotherapy and radiation. It was really hard, but I’m happy to say that I’m better now.

Regrettably, I have faced a serious health issue in the past. Specifically, around five years ago, I received a cancer diagnosis that required extensive treatment, including chemotherapy and radiation. The experience was incredibly challenging both physically and emotionally, but I am thankful to report that I have since been able to overcome the illness and return to good health. While the experience was undoubtedly difficult, I also believe that it has taught me the importance of taking care of my body and prioritizing my health and well-being above all else.

8. Do you regularly visit the doctor or dentist?

Sample Answer, C1 English Level, Advanced, Band Score 6.5-7.5

Yes, I make sure to schedule regular appointments with both my doctor and dentist. I believe that prevention is key when it comes to maintaining good health, so I try to stay on top of any potential issues by seeing my healthcare providers on a consistent basis. This also helps me catch any problems early on, which can prevent them from becoming more serious down the line.

Yes, I see my doctor and dentist regularly. I think it’s important to catch any health issues early, so I schedule appointments on a regular basis.

I am diligent about keeping up with my medical and dental appointments, as I believe that preventative care is essential for maintaining optimal health. By regularly seeing both my doctor and dentist, I am able to proactively address any concerns and identify any potential issues before they escalate into more serious conditions. I also recognize the importance of building strong relationships with my healthcare providers, as this allows for more effective communication and personalized care. Ultimately, I view regular check-ups as a critical component of my overall health and wellness strategy, and prioritize them accordingly in my schedule.

9. What do you do to relax and de-stress?

Sample Answer, C1 English Level, Advanced, Band Score 6.5-7.5

To relax and de-stress, I usually engage in mindfulness practices like meditation and yoga. I find that focusing on my breath and body helps me to clear my mind and reduce my stress levels. I also enjoy taking long walks in nature, which allows me to disconnect from technology and connect with the natural world around me. Additionally, I like to read books and listen to music, which are both great ways to unwind and calm my mind.

When I need to unwind, I often practice mindfulness activities like meditation and yoga. Concentrating on my breathing and body assists me in clearing my thoughts and reducing stress. I also find pleasure in strolling around nature, which enables me to unplug from gadgets and get in touch with the natural surroundings. Moreover, I enjoy reading books and listening to music, which help me to relax and soothe my mind.

In order to unwind and alleviate stress, I engage in various mindfulness techniques such as meditation and yoga. By focusing on my breath and bodily sensations, I am able to achieve a state of mental clarity and relaxation. Additionally, I find solace in taking leisurely walks amidst nature, which allows me to disconnect from technology and immerse myself in the natural environment. Furthermore, I enjoy indulging in intellectually stimulating activities such as reading books and listening to music, which helps me to unwind and ease my mind.

10. Do you smoke or drink alcohol?

Sample Answer, C1 English Level, Advanced, Band Score 6.5-7.5

No, I don’t smoke or drink alcohol. I try to maintain a healthy lifestyle and avoid habits that can negatively impact my health. Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can increase the risk of various health problems, including cancer, heart disease, and liver disease. Therefore, I prefer to stay away from such habits and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

I don’t smoke or drink alcohol because I try to stay healthy. These habits can harm the body and increase the chances of getting sick. As a result, I avoid them as much as possible.

Maintaining good health is a top priority for me, which is why I abstain from smoking and alcohol consumption. These behaviors can have serious negative effects on the body and lead to a range of health issues. As a result, I choose to adopt a healthy lifestyle and avoid habits that could potentially harm my well-being.

11. Have you ever had any injuries from sports or exercise?

Sample Answer, C1 English Level, Advanced, Band Score 6.5-7.5

Yes, I have had a few injuries from sports and exercise over the years. I sprained my ankle while playing basketball and also experienced some minor muscle strains from running. However, I always make sure to warm up properly before exercising and take breaks when needed to prevent further injuries.

I have had a few sports and exercise injuries in the past, such as spraining my ankle while playing basketball and experiencing minor muscle strains from running. But I make sure to properly warm up before exercising and take breaks when necessary to avoid further injuries.

Throughout my life, I have experienced a few injuries from sports and exercise, including a sprained ankle from basketball and minor muscle strains from running. However, I prioritize injury prevention by warming up thoroughly and taking necessary breaks during exercise.

12. What is your opinion on the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle?

Sample Answer, C1 English Level, Advanced, Band Score 6.5-7.5

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is of utmost importance for a fulfilling life. Not only does it lead to physical well-being, but it also has a positive impact on mental health. A healthy lifestyle includes regular exercise, balanced diet, adequate sleep, and avoiding bad habits like smoking and drinking alcohol. It is essential to incorporate these habits into our daily routine to prevent chronic diseases and enhance our quality of life.

Keeping a healthy lifestyle is crucial for a happy and healthy life. It not only helps us stay physically fit but also has a positive effect on our mental health. A healthy lifestyle comprises various elements such as eating a balanced diet, regular physical activity, adequate sleep, and avoiding bad habits like smoking and drinking alcohol. We should make sure to include these habits in our daily routine to prevent chronic illnesses and improve our overall well-being.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is paramount for a fulfilled and meaningful life. It encompasses numerous aspects, such as regular exercise, proper nutrition, adequate rest, and the avoidance of detrimental habits like smoking and alcohol consumption. The advantages of a healthy lifestyle are numerous, including improved physical and mental well-being, enhanced longevity, and an increased sense of vitality. By prioritizing a healthy lifestyle, we can significantly reduce our risk of developing chronic diseases and improve our overall quality of life. It is essential to recognize the value of a healthy lifestyle and incorporate it into our daily routine to ensure a long and fulfilling life.